Wednesday, April 22, 2020


👉Advantages Of Onions👈

If you have a blood pressure disease, then it reduces blood pressure.

If you consume onion, then it will remove your blood cancer problem.

Eating onion contains such elements in the body that greatly reduce blood pressure.

By eating Onions You get such ingredients, with the help of which the amount of vitamin C inside your body increases.

Vitamin C also acts as a powerful antioxidant in your body, protecting your cells against damage caused by unstable molecules called free radicals

Onion is very likely to fight your cancer. By eating raw onions, a person suffering from cancer gets a lot of improvement in his health..
If you are a woman, you will benefit greatly by eating onions. Most of the women have the problem of darkening their hair. So onion consumption makes thier hair darker and longer.

Eating onion makes the blood in your body run very fast. In this case, the process happening in your body starts happening very quickly.

Onions contain antioxidants and compounds that fight inflammation, decrease triglycerides and reduce cholesterol levels; all of which may lower heart disease risk.

Eating onions may help control blood sugar, which is especially significant for people with diabetes or prediabetes.

onion consumption is associated with improved bone mineral density.

Onions have been shown to inhibit the growth of potentially harmful bacteria like E. coli and S. aureus.

Onions are a rich source of prebiotics, which help boost digestive health, improve bacterial balance in your gut and benefit your immune system.

Health Is Wealth!!!!!💪

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