Monday, December 17, 2018


After 55years, these 10 actions should be avoided:

*1, do not climb staircase. If must climb, hold on firmly to staircase railings.👠

*2, do not rapidly twist your head. Warm up your whole body first.*🎂

*3, do not bend your body to touch your toe. Warm up your whole body first.*

*4, do not stand to wear your pants. Wear your pants while sitting down💋

*5, do not sit up when lying face up. Sit up from one side (left hand side, or right hand side) of your body.*🎉

*6, do not twist your body before exercise. Warm up whole first.*

*7, do not walk backwards. Falling backwards can result in serious injury.*

*8, do not bend waist to lift heavy weight. Bend your knees and lift up heavy object while half squatting.

*9, do not get up fast from bed. Wait a few minutes before getting up from bed.

*10, do not over force defecation. Let it come naturally.

*Please forward to all seniors. and to others, who will take care and guide senior citizens.

Wednesday, November 14, 2018



A police detective has taken to social media to enlighten Nigerians about another trick being used by fraudsters on unsuspecting victims.
Ogbonnaya Nwota, revealed that a young lady simply identified as Amaka, is currently in police custody after she was involved in a fraud case of N5 million which was paid into her account by a “good Samaritan” from Facebook who later rewarded her with N100,000.

Read below what the detective shared on Facebook;

She went down on her knees as she was ushered into my office, weeping uncontrollably, she muttered, ‘Officer, please, help me. I need your help. Yes, I acted stupidly, but I didn’t do it’. Having comported herself, I demanded to know her story regarding a case of fraud of N5, 000, 000 (Five Million Naira) I was investigating.

Amaka, 33, tall, elegant, hippy and busty, a young graduate in Owerri, is an active netizen of social media. She belongs to many Facebook groups. On one of the groups, the Admin on a Sunday morning asked members to post their account details, as someone maybe touched to ‘do Sunday’ for them. Different account details flowed ceaselessly on the group’s platform and few confessed how some hitherto unknown persons have credited their accounts. Amaka got a chat up from someone who promised to send money to her the following day being Monday. The duo chatted for about 15 minutes on Facebook with the man bragging how money wasn’t his problem but a good lady to spend it on. They ended up booking an appointment to see each other the following day since both of them stay in same city.

Both kept to the time of their appointment and in a few minutes, ordered for food in an exquisite eatery where the meeting was taken place. The guy re-emphasized how wealthy a man he is to Amaka and promised to see her more often, when he returns from his intended overseas trip. The guy was glued to his phone and ipad, pressing them interchangeably and smiling intermittently at no one in particular. As they were about to leave, he told Amaka to expect an alert of N50, 000 from him and while he was paying the bills for their order, Amaka got an alert of N5, 000, 000 (Five Million naira), which she didn’t notice initially was N5, 000, 000 until when the guy asked her to recheck the alert she got, telling her that he mistakenly transferred 5M instead of 50k as promised.

Both headed to the bank in the guy’s car. He told Amaka to withdraw the entire 5M from the bank, pay whatever charges and hand over the cash to him. He as well upgraded Amaka’s cash gift to 100k. Amaka who was already elated dashed into the bank, while the guy sat comfortably in his car outside the bank premises. About 30 minutes later, Amaka was back in the guy’s car and handed over the cash to him, having collected her N100k. She was dropped off few minutes after and she boarded a taxi to her house with indescribable happiness written over her face. What a day she exclaimed as she opened the door to her house. No sex, no request for sex, no touch, no even a hug and she was given N100K. It was simply unbelievable to her.
A week later Amaka was at her bank’s ATM to withdraw some cash, but the card got trapped. She went into the bank to lodge a complaint and possibly retrieve her card, but instead of giving her the card, she was handed over to the Police and that was how she was brought to my office.

Police investigations linked Amaka’s bank account to a sum of Five Million naira moved from a certain company’s account that was hacked into by some fraudsters.
Investigation is ongoing, but until Amaka produces the guy she alleged transferred the said money to her, of course whose Facebook is no longer in existence and phone number inactive and the guy also admits to have made the said transfer to Amaka, Amaka will definitely be contesting her innocence in the court of law, where she will be charged for fraud.

Times are perilous, my people. The criminals are obviously getting wiser and you must remain vigilant in order not to be tacitly involved in a crime you know nothing about. Secure your account details and report to the Police if you receive any suspicious credit alert.

Learn from the mistakes of others.

Saturday, November 10, 2018


This is the middle of Ember month, Election is at the corner and satan is moving around from house to house to pick a member of a family to perform something evil.
To avoid seeing this, please guide your children.
1. Go to school 10 minutes before closing to pick your child.
2. Stay with your child in the church, and make! sure you pick him/her in the children corner before dismissal.
3. Make sure they are indoors from 6pm.
4. They should not go beyond 2 houses away without your consent.
5. Put fear in them so that they can control their movement.
6. Cut holidays and unnecessary visit this period.
This is what a relative( you know what I mean by a relative) did to his niece.
Share this to that your lovely family and friends. God will reward you for aborting satan's plans.


Maid stole the baby and the mother was looking for her everywhere at last they found the baby in the maid's bag who was planning to run away with the child.

Thursday, November 8, 2018


Have you ever wondered why certain medications don’t work after several days of use?

"Have you ever wondered why certain medications don’t work after several days of use?" Normally people who have experienced this will conclude that the drug is fake, expired or even a wrong prescription. Some will even go as far as blaming their village people for being at the top of their game. But do you know there are certain foods and medicine you shouldn’t mix together? Yes. Certain meals can prevent your medications from working, or worse still, cause dangerous side effects, and we have six of them here. Many people probably do not know this, so share to save a life.
Vitamin C and Anti-malaria drugs
This is what happens when you mix both. But first a background:

All drugs are metabolized in the liver. The liver is rich in iron, and iron is important in the life cycle of malaria parasites (plasmodium). Vitamin C helps in absorption of iron, which goes to the liver. Malaria parasites accumulate in the liver and multiply since the iron they need to survive is surplus there. This counteracts the effect of whatever malaria drug you’re taking. So, chill on those citrus fruits or supplements when you’re treating malaria.
Dairy products and Antibiotics
Antibiotics are drugs used in the treatment and prevention of bacteria. Examples are Tetracycline and penicillin. Dairy products are rich in Calcium, which prevents the body from absorbing these antibiotics. This reduces the drug’s efficacy.
Banana and Anti-hypertensive drugs
Bananas are rich in potassium. Anti-hypertensive drugs increase potassium levels in the blood. Anti-hypertensive drugs + Bananas = too much potassium which leads to irregular heartbeat, heart palpitations and could causes diseases such as Arrhythmia. Love your heart.

Painkillers and Soft drinks

We all know soft drinks contain carbonated water. I mean, it’s boldly written on the bottle label/can. Carbonated water = Carbon-dioxide gas + water (LOL, no, you do not just add carbon-dioxide and water together, it should be dissolved under pressure and all). So, when you take painkillers and soft drinks together, the Carbon-dioxide gas and the acid it contains increases concentration of the drugs in the blood, which leads to toxicity that could be fatal.

Grape fruit and Statins

Statin is a class of drug used to lower cholesterol levels. Like most drugs, it also has side effects. Grape fruit contains a compound/chemical that stops the breakdown of statins in the intestine. It leads to increased level of the drug = higher risk of side effects.

Leafy Vegetables and Anti Coagulants (Blood Thinner)

Anti-coagulants (Blood Thinners) are medications that decelerate blood coagulation. No, they don’t actually thin your blood but they prevent blood clots from growing larger and are used to prevent stroke and treat heart disease. Examples are Aspirin, Warfarin.

Leafy Vegetables are rich in Vitamin K – Vitamin K promotes blood clotting. So, what happens? The effect of the drug is countered.


This shouldn’t be the first time you read “Don’t take drugs with alcohol’. Why so?

Drugs are metabolized in the liver. Alcohol is metabolized in the liver. You actually over work your liver when taking alcohol and drugs at the same time leading to liver damage.

We all know medicine comes with a long list of things you can’t do but what most people don’t know is that some natural healthy meals are part of the list. Limit certain foods and if a certain drug doesn’t work or makes you feel some type of way, don’t assume anything. Immediately consult your doctor for advice.
Sweet Urine is a slang we are familiar with. Elevated level of Blood Sugar  ( hyperglycemia ) leads to spillage of Glucose in the Urine.
Don't forget that Urine is Blood filtrate.

What is Diabetes?
Before we go on to define Diabetes, it will do us lots of good to know that more than 3 Million Nigerians are suffering from the disease.
Many sufferers are not even aware they have it. As a result of this, many victims would have developed complications before being aware of the disease.
Another unfortunate aspect is that many sufferers are poorly managed.
Prof Alebiosu Olutayo, Coordinator of Journalists Action Against Diabetes opined that the rate at which Diabetes is spreading, it might overtake Tuberculosis, Malaria and HIV/AIDs by 2030 if nothing is done to curtail it.

Diabetes is a group of  Metabolic Diseases characterised by high Blood Sugar ( Glucose ) levels that results from defect in INSULIN secretion or its action on the body cells.

Let's go back to our Biology Class. Metabolism is a way by which food substances are broken down to give us Nutrients. The end product of Carbohydrates meal is Glucose which is called Sugar in layman's terms.

Insulin is produced in the Pancreas. It is one of the accessory organs of Digestive system. Pancreas is like a leaf structure in our digestive system. This Pancreas secrete both Insulin and Glucagon which act to regulate the level of Sugar/Glucose in our blood for cells usage.

Insulin lowers blood glucose when the level is too high especially after eating high Carbohydrates meal.

In Patients with Diabetes, the absence or insufficient production of insulin causes High Blood Glucose aka Hyperglycemia.


There are different types of Diabetes.

(1) Diabetes Insipidus
(2) Diabetes Type 1 formerly known as Insulin Dependent Diabetes Mellitus IDDM or Juvenile Onset Diabetes Mellitus JODM
(3) Diabetes Mellitus Type 2 aka Non Insulin Dependent Diabetes Mellitus or Adult Onset Diabetes Mellitus
(4) Secondary Diabetes Mellitus

Diabetes Insipidus is such a wide subject, let's focus on DM first.


Diabetes is cause when
>>production of Insulin is not sufficient whether absolutely or in relation to body's needs.
>>When Beta cells of Islet of Langerhans produces defective Insulin though rare condition or
>> When human cells cannot use the Insulin produced.
>> When Pancreas is affected by infectious and inflammatory condition as in Pancreatitis.

In Type 1 or IDDM/JODM, the problem is non availability of Insulin. Such patient will depend on Insulin for the rest of his life.

In AODM or Type 2 Diabetes, There is decline in the production of Insulin which makes the blood glucose high.
It is not common for type 1 to progress to type 2 but over time, with consistent decline in INSULIN secretion and usage , type 2 patient may regress to type 1 where he/she will need Insulin therapy.

Diabetes can be managed successfully with lifestyle modifications, change in diets , control of weight and exercise especially the type 2. But it takes a lot work and discipline to maintain.

Secondary DM means an elevated Blood Sugar as a result of another Medical condition. Pancreatitis is the inflammation of Pancreas. If the part of Pancreas producing Insulin is destroyed by disease or Trauma, it may develop.
Excessive production of Growth Hormone CORTISOL may leads to Hyperglycemia.

Medication like Prednisolone, a steroid, may worsen Diabetes control or unmask Latent Diabetes.

Let's call it a day here.
There are still much to be learned in this respect.

Your questions and contributions are welcome.
 Thank you.



I want to post on Diabetes shortly.
Meanwhile, I am still expecting your inputs on Prescription and medical errors.

Let's focus more on relevant topics.

When will it be proper to set the ball rolling on Diabetes?

I want a contributions.



It is good to be good