Thursday, November 8, 2018

Sweet Urine is a slang we are familiar with. Elevated level of Blood Sugar  ( hyperglycemia ) leads to spillage of Glucose in the Urine.
Don't forget that Urine is Blood filtrate.

What is Diabetes?
Before we go on to define Diabetes, it will do us lots of good to know that more than 3 Million Nigerians are suffering from the disease.
Many sufferers are not even aware they have it. As a result of this, many victims would have developed complications before being aware of the disease.
Another unfortunate aspect is that many sufferers are poorly managed.
Prof Alebiosu Olutayo, Coordinator of Journalists Action Against Diabetes opined that the rate at which Diabetes is spreading, it might overtake Tuberculosis, Malaria and HIV/AIDs by 2030 if nothing is done to curtail it.

Diabetes is a group of  Metabolic Diseases characterised by high Blood Sugar ( Glucose ) levels that results from defect in INSULIN secretion or its action on the body cells.

Let's go back to our Biology Class. Metabolism is a way by which food substances are broken down to give us Nutrients. The end product of Carbohydrates meal is Glucose which is called Sugar in layman's terms.

Insulin is produced in the Pancreas. It is one of the accessory organs of Digestive system. Pancreas is like a leaf structure in our digestive system. This Pancreas secrete both Insulin and Glucagon which act to regulate the level of Sugar/Glucose in our blood for cells usage.

Insulin lowers blood glucose when the level is too high especially after eating high Carbohydrates meal.

In Patients with Diabetes, the absence or insufficient production of insulin causes High Blood Glucose aka Hyperglycemia.


There are different types of Diabetes.

(1) Diabetes Insipidus
(2) Diabetes Type 1 formerly known as Insulin Dependent Diabetes Mellitus IDDM or Juvenile Onset Diabetes Mellitus JODM
(3) Diabetes Mellitus Type 2 aka Non Insulin Dependent Diabetes Mellitus or Adult Onset Diabetes Mellitus
(4) Secondary Diabetes Mellitus

Diabetes Insipidus is such a wide subject, let's focus on DM first.


Diabetes is cause when
>>production of Insulin is not sufficient whether absolutely or in relation to body's needs.
>>When Beta cells of Islet of Langerhans produces defective Insulin though rare condition or
>> When human cells cannot use the Insulin produced.
>> When Pancreas is affected by infectious and inflammatory condition as in Pancreatitis.

In Type 1 or IDDM/JODM, the problem is non availability of Insulin. Such patient will depend on Insulin for the rest of his life.

In AODM or Type 2 Diabetes, There is decline in the production of Insulin which makes the blood glucose high.
It is not common for type 1 to progress to type 2 but over time, with consistent decline in INSULIN secretion and usage , type 2 patient may regress to type 1 where he/she will need Insulin therapy.

Diabetes can be managed successfully with lifestyle modifications, change in diets , control of weight and exercise especially the type 2. But it takes a lot work and discipline to maintain.

Secondary DM means an elevated Blood Sugar as a result of another Medical condition. Pancreatitis is the inflammation of Pancreas. If the part of Pancreas producing Insulin is destroyed by disease or Trauma, it may develop.
Excessive production of Growth Hormone CORTISOL may leads to Hyperglycemia.

Medication like Prednisolone, a steroid, may worsen Diabetes control or unmask Latent Diabetes.

Let's call it a day here.
There are still much to be learned in this respect.

Your questions and contributions are welcome.
 Thank you.


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