Thursday, October 17, 2019



A group of Japanese Doctors confirmed that WARM WATER is 100% effective in resolving some health problems such as÷

1: High Blood pressure
2: Low Blood pressure
3: Joints pain
4: Sudden increase and decrease of heartbeat
5: Increase level of cholesterol
6: Cough

 Cold water affect internal walls of the stomach. It affects the large intestine and results in Cancer.
Tell someone to tell someone, IT MAY SAVE SOMEONE'S LIFE.

Ask us questions on the use of WARM WATER THERAPY, Time and when to take it.

 Help someone today by sharing it with your loved ones and friends, may God help us all.🙏🙏

Dear All,

There is no doubt, things are tough all over the world now.

To enjoy a healthy living and survival, it takes dedicated efforts and the Grace of God.

Be satisfied with what you have.
Spend wisely and buy only what you really need to make you live healthily.

Avoid conflicts in any form.
Many people are angry, frustrated  and ready to kill at any little provocation!.

Patience is key. Ignore and avoid trouble as much as possible and learn to say the magic words "I am sorry".

Men should please control their anger.
We know how hard it is to make ends meet these days but please, don't take it down on your family.
Let your home be a peaceful place. Don't worry, we will all smile, again, hopefully.

Women, endure with your husbands.
Don't complain.
Show love.
Be good mothers,
create fun to ease tension.

Your health should be very important, give it a priority.
Eat moderately prepared healthy diet with varieties of fruits and vegetables.

Above all, thank God that you are not hospitalized.  Have you forgotten, you are one of the richest men in the world today because you are healthy!!
Health is wealth!!.

Nothing in life lasts for life.
Remember to live before you leave.
Don't spend your entire life making a living and forgetting to live!

There are only two ways to live, You're either living or just existing.  A balanced life is the best life.

Whoever says you're irreplaceable is lying to you.

Life is like exam questions,  If you are having a problem understanding one question, you move to the next.
Don't get stuck in one chapter of your "Book of Life"!

Winners don't quit but they surely take breaks.

Don't spend your entire life opening one door,
If it refuses to open forever, then, it means - maybe - it's not your door.

The fact that a certain aspect of your life is not working as planned doesn't mean your whole life has to be on hold.  Your time here is limited.

If you can change it, do so.  If you can't change it, stop worrying and complaining about it.

Never give the management of your life to those who cannot manage their own lives.  To be spiritually fooled is to be spiritually foolish!.

Be careful when someone who cannot hear his own voice tells you he's hearing from GOD.

Happiness is a choice, not a destiny. Happiness is not a destination, you must travel with it.

A challenge and a problem are two different things; don't mix both.

Happiness is a present tense, not a future tense.
You can delay your gratification, but your happiness should never be postponed.

Always do your best but never ever forget to take a rest. Whoever refuses to rest will eventually be laid to rest and people will tell him to REST IN PEACE.



Biology says that after sexual intercourse, about 200 to 300 million sperms are deposited by the man, they all begin to swim upwards within the track to meet with the ovum. out of the 200 million that are deposited only 300 to 500 actually reach the site (others get tired on the way because is not an easy race) and of the 300 that manage to reach the ovum (egg), only one fertilised the egg and in this case the winning one is YOU.
   Have you ever thought about this? You ran a race without your eyes and your legs you WON, you ran a race without your education and you WON, you ran without certificate and you WON, you ran without help and you WON, what makes you think you will Lose now?
  Now that you have both eyes and legs, now that you have the knowledge of God's word, now that you have plans, visions and dreams, beloved you didn't give up on day one, so you can't give up now, giving up now is an insult to your creator.
  It doesn't matter what you see now, take it as a challenge and always remember that you WON from womb.
  You will win this your present battle in Jesus Christ Name.


It is good to be good